English Universe | Who am I?
빠른 상담문의 031 - 8028 - 1510
빠른 상담문의 031 - 8028 - 1510
Who am I?
Philosophy of teaching English
Our philosophy of teaching English not only places emphasis on diligence and consistency to learn a foreign language, but also encourages our students to laugh and be enthusiastic in the classes.
In addition, the duties of our high-qualified teachers are to foster students cultivate and improve actual language skills, and provide students with opportunities to immerse in complete learning experiences.
Ultimately, our goal of language is designed to prepare all the student to well study both at local school and overseas school.
Our philosophy of teaching English
  • 영어공부를 위한 성실함과 꾸준함을 강조
  • 학생들이 교실에서 웃을 수 있고 열정적이도록 도와줌
The duties of our high qualified teachers
  • 실제적인 영어실력을 향상하고 완전한 영어교육의 기회를 제공하는 것
Our goal of language learning
  • 학생들이 국내 및 국외 학교에서 최고의 영어실력을 발휘할 수 있도록 교육
Learning how to travel in the Universe
We are committed to developing our own customized material and delivering up-to-date learning material for all the levels and types of students.
What is more, Students are assessed regularly during, and at the end of their classes, not to mention at the end of each session/term. Both the course and assessment materials are continuously updated and improved.
Eventually, We provide students with fun and challenging learning environment as well as wonderful chances for the mastery of English.
Care for travelers in Universe of English
We strive to monitor each student's development and achievement as a member of the English Universe family in the special way for care in the academy.
We put a lot of efforts to dedicate ourselves to building a great community of students, parent and staffs.
We hope that Students will be able to meet their specific needs through our programs.
It is now that we enjoy traveling in the universe of English.